
Snippets of Wisdom

Friday, March 20, 2015

With a new season upon us, I thought I'd share a few things/routines that are making my life a little more joyful. I'm always so grateful for snippets of wisdom from girlfriends that help jolt me out of a parenting rut, so here are a few I've discovered recently...

Or more appropriately, ideas I stole off Pinterest.

Pom Pom Jar

I'll be honest, this concept originated out of the fact that the girls are on a current trend of using "potty words." To say this drives me BONKERS is an understatement. They essentially believe they turn into little mini Seinfields when they bust them out ("You're a poopy bottom head!" "No YOU'RE a tooty tinkle head!"). Followed by intense bouts of giggles. Like this one

Aaaah, I have a love/hate relationship with you, age four.

So the pom pom jar evolved out of a marble jar concept I saw on, none other than, Pinterest. Only I had these little Pom poms in abundance from crafts we had done, so I improvised. 

Basically, they get to put poms in for "nice things" and they have to take them out for "bad things." I failed miserably at chore charts with them, and this is has been the easiest thing to implement. Since we just started this a few weeks ago, we have yet to get a "reward" for having all the poms in their respective jars, but I've told them they get to go get a little toy or go on a special date with daddy or me when this happens. Here are examples of nice/bad things.

Nice: completing morning routine (getting dressed, brushing teeth, getting shoes on, taking breakfast plate to sink), sharing a toy with a sibling or friend without being asked, picking up toys, saying something nice to someone, volunteering to say the prayer (something both are still hesitant to do), or basically anything not mean or animalistic they do without being asked.

Bad: USING POTTY WORDS, hitting/fighting, disobeying or being asked more than twice to do something

Future academy award nominees right here 

 I can't imagine why I felt the need to implement a behavior system since they are aaalllways doing what I ask.

Yes, they are in swimsuits because they just arrived in the mail today, and it was clearly way too exciting for them to wait.

I got the little glass jars at Hobby Lobby, and each girl has a designated color of pom (Sophie: purple, Campbell: pink and blue).

So far, so good on this. Hopefully we will be a potty word-free household in the near future? I poopy tooting hope so.

After school questions

So here is how a typical convo goes with the girls when they get in the car after school:

Me: How was your day?

Them: Good!

Me: What did you do?

Them: Lots of stuff!

End scene. Cue girls staring out the window in an exhausted, delirious gaze.

I think every parent has struggled with pulling details about the school day out of their kids, me included obviously. I read a list recently of better questions to ask your kid after school that has been really helpful. There were lots of suggestions, but a few stuck out that I've started asking the girls.(Burke oddly enough will talk foreeeever about what happened at school). So the big ones I ask are, 

"What is something/someone that made you laugh today?" 

"Did anything or anyone make you upset?"

"What was the most fun thing you did today?"

"Who was wearing something pretty today?" (these two are obsessed with fashion currently)

It's amazing the stuff they say that I never would have heard otherwise! Most of the time it's silly little things that made them laugh or something one of their friends said, but a few times they've said something about feeling left out of playing with friends or someone saying something that hurt their feelings. And they have only shared those events when I ask the specific question. It's easy to forget that while they may try to act like big girls, there is still so much swimming around in those little four year old heads of theirs that needs help getting out.  

Hopefully one or both of these are helpful to you! 

What are some small things or routines you've implemented lately that have been game changers?


warmth + sun

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

This past weekend, Kyle and I ventured to Scottsdale for a kid-free getaway (score!). It was warm, sunny, desert-y, filled with gorgeous cacti (which I have a small obsession with). Basically everything opposite of what we left behind in Oklahoma. And as added bonus, we somehow brought spring back with us. You're welcome. :) I hate to be one of those people that complains about the weather no matter the season, but it is just undeniable that there is a certain happiness the warmth after the cold brings. Like I didn't quite realize how soul suckingly awful winter can be type of happiness.

Amen and amen.

Escaping for four days just the two of us, plus watching the kids play outside these last few days without coats and hats has been so good for our souls.

Here were a few things we did in Arizona if you'd like to see...

Took awkward airport selfies because we are old and too embarrassed to take normal ones

Stared far too long at this view from our room every morning

Took pics next to my beloved cacti

Took more pics with my beloved cacti. I would have snuck these massive aloe plants in my suitcase if they fit. Kyle kept making fun of me for taking pictures with plants, but good heavens how could I not?!

Ate the most heavenly food on earth. Every meal we ate was better than the one before. This watermelon feta salad I had at the golf course was truly one of the best things I've ever eaten. I will be trying to re-create this in the near future.

Since I was a pretty serious golfer in high school and have a golf pro as a dad, I think Kyle envisioned a life of us playing countless golf rounds together. In reality, we've played less than ten times together since being married. Sorry babe. I only play to win. And those three little people we created keep me from being able to practice enough to beat you to a pulp. However...


I could get used to yummy drinks and you finding my shanked shots. 


We drank pretty drinks poolside (and I finally finished Gone Girl!)

Had races back to our room late at night (Kyle won, as pictured. And the next morning discovered maybe pulled something in his knee. It's a good thing neither of us are competitive...or ever have too much wine at dinner.)


Dressed up in real clothes and jewelry multiple days in a row. And got to wear this insanely amazing new Stella & Dot piece courtesy of my sister.


And appropriately left this glorious state that doesn't recognize daylight savings on the day of the time change.

It was lovely and so needed.

 And this is how our family kicks off pool season...on March 11th. Who needs spring when you can pretend to skip straight to summer?

Cheers to making it through winter!
